Saturday, September 12, 2009

Fun with the Gray's

We headed over to Iowa for another weekend at the farm and fun with the Gray family. Vivi, Susie's niece, was celebrating her 3rd birthday that weekend and we joined them up in Cedar Falls for the party and backyard cookout.
Presents for horsing around....Susie found the pink boots with horses on them at the State Fair and I found the pink hat in Texas during our trip to Thea's wedding. What fun!

Vivi wasn't too sure about the hat so Aunt Susie demonstrated how to wear it.

She had it all figured out by the next day at the farm.

In our hats, ready to ride.

Vivi and Jonathan saddled up and ready to go.

We headed out down the hill. Werner came too, but not for long....

....getting into trouble with Monroe (Robin Gray's dog) was much more fun.

We didn't let this go on very long, just enough to capture it on film.
What a pair?!? Werner 3 months, Monroe 9 months.
It helped us realize how big Werner could get to be. Yikes!

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