Friday, February 22, 2008

First Teacher Workshop

I facilitated my first WET in the City educator workshop last week in Sugar Land, TX.
It went really well, and I am feeling like I am settling into my new position. I had about 32 teachers representing K-12th grade. They got 6 credit hours towards professional development and a copy of the curriculum guide to take home.

We did several activities from the curriculum. This one is called "Is There Water on Zork?" Participants are given 6 tubes of clear liquid and have to perform several tests using what they know about the properties of water to figure out which sample is water and not vinegar, club soda, rubbing alcohol, etc. This was my first time working with High School Teachers. They were a tough crowd, but seemed impressed in the end.

I also took them outside for several of the activities. We created a mock water cycle with all the different components represented outdoors and went on a short walk to see if we could spot any wildlife in the school yard and figure out where it might find drinking water in an urban setting.

It is nice to get my first workshop done and have one under my belt as I prepare for my next one in Miami at the Miami Museum of Science.

If you want to know more check out the web site:

1 comment:

Erin said...

congrats on completing your first training, emily! sounds like a pretty sweet agency you're working for.