Thursday, October 25, 2007

Kayak Festival Groupies

The weekend before we left for the Kristi and Chris Moyer's wedding we worked at another Adventure Times Kayak festival in West Palm Beach. Once we started talking with the kayak reps we found out that they were working another kayak festival in Ocala the next weekend. We decided to break up our 9 hour drive home from the wedding and stop over for some camping and kayaking. We have become official kayak festival groupies!
Our fellow kayaker and car pooling buddy, Chris Hill, cooked up some spam for breakfast, and shared that canned ham is part of his English heritage (Chris is originally from England about an hour north of London)
It was fun to camp, kayak, and have breakfast on beach towels!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have you tried the Verbania Tribute to Musoc Festival in Italy??
Its a great one..quality lineup..