Thursday, January 4, 2007

Reunion at the Gray Farm

Being with family and friends is definately one of Emily's favorite things in life. The holidays are always a good opportunity to connect with people you don't get to see very often. Below is a great shot of Jonathan, Emily and Thea at Van Arkel Christmas.

Later in the week we had the chance to go over to the Gray Farm and meet up with some friends that Emily grew up with that now live all over the country.

This is what I like to call a "Jon-sandwich". Jon and Susie (Gray) Dyck and Emily and Jonathan posed for this fun shot.

Lauren, Susie, and Emily back together again. Lauren lives in D.C., Susie is in Georgia, and Emily is in Florida.

Susie's sister Jennifer lives in Brazil with her husband Josh and daughter Vivi. We missed seeing them, but got to look at pictures from their blog spot. They are the one's that inspired us to jump on the bandwagon and start blogging to keep in touch.

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